Black Boxes

Why Do I Get All Those Black Boxes on My Screen?

This may be a common occurrence if you transfer files to and from a UNIX server. HTML Assistant Pro 2000 includes a fix for this.

If you are using a UNIX server, files that are transferred from it may be displayed with black boxes displayed throughout your html document. These boxes are actually "end-of-line" characters in UNIX format.

UNIX does not use the same end-of-line code that DOS (PC) does, so when you upload your pages to a UNIX server they get translated into a UNIX format. When you bring them back from your UNIX server to your Windows system and work on those pages, the files need to be converted to DOS format in order to display properly.

HTML Assistant pro 2000 provides an option for converting UNIX files to DOS before they are loaded. In 'Pro 2000, under the "options" menu select "Auto-convert UNIX to DOS."

This feature will automatically convert UNIX documents to DOS text. If you leave the check mark on "Auto-convert UNIX to DOS", HTML Assistant pro will automatically convert all your UNIX files to DOS in the future.


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